Tuesday 21 October 2014


Happy Dhanteras to all my dear foodies!!! This day is special for me as I humbly launch my blog 'My food prints'.
I cannot think of a better occasion than this auspicious day to kick start my blog!! Legend has it that this day is associated with perseverance and doing everything possible for your near and dear ones!!
The story goes like this... 16 year old son of King Hima whose horoscope predicted his death by snake-bite on the fourth day of his marriage was saved by his wife. His newly wedded wife laid out all her ornaments and lots of gold and silver coins in a heap at the entrance of the sleeping chamber and lit lamps all over the place and narrated stories and sang songs to keep her husband from falling asleep. Yama, the god of Death, who had arrived at the prince’s doorstep in the guise of a Serpent. Yama's eyes were dazzled and blinded by the brilliance of the lamps and the jewelery and was mesmerized by the stories and songs Hima's wife sang. Yama went away silently in the morning thus sparing Hima....
On this occasion I had listed down a few things to prepare and Gujiya being our all time favourite was first in the list. This delicacy is usually prepared during Holi but my thought is 'why not on Diwali'.
Have you ever heard of anyone fracturing their finger preparing Gujiya... Yes I am one of them. In the tryst to ensure that my Gujiya's don't start opening and laughing at me when plunged in oil I over worked my finger. I pressed down the edged of each Gujiya so hard that when I was done with almost a hundred of them that evening I had a chip fracture of my middle finger!! Well that's me!! No I am not trying to scare you guys...there are lots of different ways of ensuring that you don't stress out your fingers while making Gujiya's... Here's a very simple Mawa Gujiya recipe...

1 Cup all purpose flour (plain flour or maida) 1 Tablespoon sooji (semolina flour) 2 Tablespoons oil 1/3 Cup lukewarm water or as needed
Filling: 1/2 Cup heavy cream or whipping cream 1 Cup milk powder 1/4 Cup coconut powder 1/4 Cup sliced almonds 1/2 Teaspoon cardamom powder 2 Tablespoon sugar 1 Tablespoon melon seeds (optional)
Garnish: 1/2 Cup sugar 1/4 Cup Water 2 Tablespoons sliced pistachio, almonds, saffron strands and rose petals (dried) Oil to fry
1. For the crust/puff- knead the dough with all the ingredients mentioned and cover it with a moist muslin cloth and set aside. 
2. For the filling : In a thick bottomed vessel cook the heavy cream and milk powder together till it loosens out a bit and starts eventually starts leaving the sides of the vessel. Add the rest of the ingredients and keep it aside. 
3. Divide the dough into equal parts (you can make 15- 20 of them) and role them into circular discs of 3 inch diameter. 
4. Apply a thin paste of flour and water on one half of the disc. 
5. Fill this with the fillings that has been kept ready and press out the edges. 
6. You can shape the edges into various shapes or leave it plain. 
7. Deep fry these a few at a time in oil that is medium hot and transfer it to a absorbing tissue once golden brown. 
8. For the Garnish - boil the water and sugar to make a syrup and add in a few strands of saffron (optional). The syrup should be one thread consistency. 
9. Dip the Gujiyas in the sugar syrup and garnish it with pistachios, almonds, saffron and rose.

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